NamePower Character Name Generator: Help

NamePower is copyright © 2008 Niilo Paasivirta. All rights reserved. Names generated with NamePower can be used freely, however, I take no responsibility for the names generated. Use the program at your own risk.

Write the number of names you want to write into the box labeled "Number of names to generate:". The default is 10. You can generate up to 1,000 names at once (but see below).

Check the boxes you want to use for generating the names. Some of the data files contain separate words (such as exalted charms, inns, and items), while most of them contain only syllables. Combining syllable and word data doesn't usually make sense, but feel free to experiment.

If you choose too little data, you might not be able to generate a big amount of names at once. There simply isn't enough data to choose from. If this happens, make less names at once, or select more data.

Click "Generate" to create names. To get another set, click it again. Click "Empty" to clear your selections.

There's also the "Names beginning only with:" box. If you only want names starting with "A", for example, type A into that box. Note that this makes it even harder to create a large amount of different names, and it might often fail, especially if you use only one data file.

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