The Clock Test

The Clock Test is Copyright 1993 Niilo Paasivirta. All Rights Reserved.

The Clock Test is a modern test for operating systems. You can test almost any multitasking (or non-multitasking, sometimes) operating systems by this method.

  1. Turn your computer on.
  2. Wait for the operating system to boot, log in (whatever).
  3. Find the icon for "clock" program, or some other way to start a clock. A graphical clock program is best for this test.
  4. Start as many clocks as possible.
  5. If your operating system can start only one clock, it sucks. You should change into some real operating system!
  6. If your computer crashes, it has failed the test. Find a better operating system.
  7. The maximum number of clocks running simultaneously your operating system can manage is the score of that OS in Clock Test.. The result may also depend on your hardware.